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Xankon34 Xankon34 is offline
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Default How to become respect and charisma so that people are drawn to you? - 17-07-2015, 04:34 PM

Example how my life is at university at the moment, why I'm depressed regulary:

When i say something in a group conversation, I never get heard. I don't mean I talk too quietly, (most of the time) or I talk at the ''wrong time'', I just mean even if I speak at a reasonable tone, when there's a gap, about anything relavent to the conversation, I still don't get heard. Even if I join in a joke, I still don't get noticed. I can tell.

It's like I'm tuned out in advance.

I hear others talking, and some people even mumble something and it gets heard, where as if I am almost yelling something, nobody hears me. Like the other day when I finished work, we were in the canteen and I got up and said, ''see you all later!'' I said it in a loud-ish, cheerful voice, like I see most people doing when they're getting up to go, and nobody heard me. Nobody was even looking at me. They were all just drawn to the most extroverted person of the group. So I said, ''bye!'', but nobody still heard. I mean surely it doesn't hurt to just put up your hand and say, ''bye'' back, even if you are in a conversation. It's not alawys so Bad, but this shows my problem think. I see other people yelling goodbyes when there's a group conversation and they still hear and say goodbye. I mean surely you don't just stand and wait until the conversation is over then say bye, especially if you've got a bus to catch or something.

That's not the only time. It's just one of many things that happen.
People are nice to me, help me, sometimes invite me,but there is still this distance.

About me: I'm 6'0, twenty years old, not overweight or acne or something like that, the only problem is my social circle, which doesn't exist. I don't have friends. I seem to not look like it since I worked out, even as introvert , alone. I have muscles and , I also have no social anxiety or something, can speak in front of many people.Still I hear "you're shy" from girls often because I'm still quiet in comparison with my outgoing uni. Mates.
Since 1 year at university, new city. Meet new people, joined organizations made "friends" which are nice to me, but not like friends, more like uni. Acquaintances, other people met at the same time but act like real friends now.

When I'm with 3 friends and we meet new people, the new people seem only interested in my friends not me, I try to be interested in the other people, but that doesn't seem to help. I become an aquantance, while the others become friends. People don't really include me, cut me off,don't show me funny thigns on their smartphone in group situations, instead every other person, they don't seem to do that, to insult me, but this makes me mad and sad everytime since it shows, that I'm not so much appreciated. It shows they don't care about my reaction, to this not girl or funnz pic.

Why that is? Maybe because the last 5 years I spent much time on my computer, exercising and studying, had 3 friends tho. No travelling or much parties, drinking, no cool hobbies or all these crazy stories others have every new weekend. No 1,5k FB friends like the others. I mostly hang out with really social people since at unversity, since they approach me are open and friendly and hang out with me(everybody), but still don't include me fully. I want to eat, nobody really wants to go with me alone, x wants to eat they go and eat alone with him. It wasn't always like this, as child I never got that treatment, being chosen last in PE. I'm maybe not so interesting but it can't be that bad, how I am experiencing it every day. People would rather sit next someone else than me, I notice it when we learn in groups. Don't really talk much about not school related topics with me.

I know, that I come across as boring in comparison with the more outgoing or just normal people who have something to talk about, even if its just some things that happend in their life, with their girlfriend or a friend of a friend, last party. I'm not so good in talking about these things and at the moment,since I don't have much happening in my life or don't hear so much stories from other people.
Feel like they don't really care soo mucheven when I would have a awesome story, since I'm just an acquaintance for them, I often see that they also act silly and goofy for a short time while in publicity as group, which is quite embarssing sometimes and other people look at us. Thas also where I differ. I feel uncool, acting like they do sometimes. James Bond, never would act a fool, that was what I thought?

I think, that I probably not seem socially uncalibrated, but instead too socially calibritated, serious. It's like I'm shy and quiet (normal), serious in some situations, where others are acting silly, which makes me seem boring, not fun.

It's not that I'm extremely serious, but in some group situations, where others embarass themselves, I seem to appear uptight, being the only one who doesn't join in.
Sometimes I also just not feel included in some jokes or things, which makes then all laugh, cuz they didn't really speak to me, so I sit there while others having fun.

I never asked other people about my behavior, but theire is a guy, who is kind of a fun-clown, entertainer, who kinds of annoys me sometimes, by saying loud to new people, when I'm with him, or whole groups, how uptight and shy I am. "That is (Name), but he is a little bit shy"

I get mad, because now, they have the wrong first impression of me while I'm not even that shy, I just don't like to embarass myself,
feel like other people, other hot girls who are in dominant men, won't see me as attractive or sexual man, if I'm acting this way.
I also think that I need value, add value to others life, but I really don't know how, since I don't have a car or space to organize dorm partys. The best would be, to have a fun personality, which I had as a child to some degree, but somehow I become a little bit afraid to attract awkward attention, which I often see with other people to some degree and women especially.Laughing all the time. Feel like it makes it harder for me to be respected, but on the other side, I guess need to change a little bit.

Should I try to be a little more silly or goofy or would that appear weird, if some people know me as shy, boring man, "serious"-normal in most public situations? When drunk or on a birthday party I can act a little fun, because thats seems to be socially accepted, but in other situations it seems to attract sometimes "negative" attention.

Any Ideas?

What can I do about it?

Any Ideas what I can do, to rais my value, make myself attractive to spend time with?
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