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Default 30-08-2011, 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by scamp View Post
Dude, this is such bollocks, if you take the time to read what these guys write it's often the most useful stuff.

There are Several guys on here that speak their minds and have valid opinions.

I don't always agree with them but that is what a forum's all about.

I think you're just making it personal

It ain't


You see to me (like Phil) this doesn't read right.

It sounds a bit like the sort of story a Girl would say to a jealous guy to justify a threesome she had.

I'm not having a go, it just sounds like my first relationship.

The girl was fabulous in bed and genuinely really into me.
But the single fact that she was far more experienced than me made me soo insecure.

In the end I would literally make her weep as I got angry at her sexual past and demanded that she justified it

I deeply regret this now
Thats not really the problem you should be learning to not give a fuck what people say.

The problem is its the same old names responding time after time after time, you can almost predict the answer, you have to ask youself why is that?

Active posters you can could count on two hands, this doesn't happen on any other forum. Weird huh?

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

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