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Evolver UK Evolver UK is offline
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Default 18-07-2011, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
awkward conversation... i feel for you. its hard getting into this shit.. im pretty new too but really you just need to chill and be yourself.
Agreed... I was obviously thrown by the groom's intro right at the start. I can be 'that guy' now and again but not often and only when I'm in my comfort zone.

FB is a no no - funny thing is I was already checking her out after I wrote the post that night - bad eh?

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
bang out the intro, tell her shes cute and announce to her (and the people around her) you're going to serenade her to the next love song with a cheeky grin on your face, add a few boring comments and tease her, wink and say you'll catch her later then go to the bar and have a good time with other people.

if i was in a conversation with her and others, i'd probably just fuck around and tell them "hey im gonna serenade a love song to her later... isn't she beautiful" for laughs. everyone usually finds that shit funny. aslong as u say it right, you're not taking yourself seriously but showing a lot of confidence and intent.
I can't ever imagine saying that - I definately have some way to go!!!!

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
also its good to sometimes cut a conversation short. if its going shit, leave on a good note. nothing worse than trying to carry on a conversation when you're starting out and watch your status go from being the cool new guy shes just met to a boring motherfucker.
Yeh I guess this the whole abundance mindset, I only cut short convos when I'm bored, but now I think of it every girl I've been interested in I have probably exausted the convo...

so much to learn
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