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Default 10-06-2011, 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by scorpiolover View Post
Im 36 now and still single
cut the long story short i was in a realationship for 5 years that i was in love big time but i was dumped and heart broken for years

i was really really in love with her but she ended it to my complete horror and shock, i was soooo upset and ashamed to say i even tried to end my life
so what i hoped for is that i would forget about her completley, but that didnt happen
i pesterd her too much now she has pushed me away
I want to get back out there find someone again, someone to love and cherish a really good looker that adores me,
There is a recurring theme here Pal and its YOU, i get the impression you are very insecure and needy even thorughout your relationships.
you need to look at yourself and how you are and why.
Instead of looking for a girlfriend you need some time on your own for a couple of years, playing about with girls and dealing with your demons or else you will just keep repeating the cycle

Make it Happen
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