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scorpiolover scorpiolover is offline
Default pua beginner advice - 06-06-2011, 12:02 AM

I tried using the search function for tips for beginners and i wasnt having much luck, so i thought i would start a new thread, maybe make it a sticky to help others at some point,
Well ok where to start, probably my story so here we go
Im 36 now and still single, from my teen years i would always be out at every opertunity getting drunk and approaching girls, now it wasnt the approaching that botherd me it was what to say after the first two lines i would always be lost for words and never be able to keep up a conversation, so less and less i had the confidence to approach,
cut the long story short i was in a realationship for 5 years that i was in love big time but i was dumped and heart broken for years and finally got the courage to approach women, but again the though of getting a conversation going was really hard for me, anyway, low and behold facebook i met my last ex and i was really really in love with her but she ended it to my complete horror and shock, i was soooo upset and ashamed to say i even tried to end my life
so i tried councelling and that didnt work, so i tried nlp and that didnt work,
she then set me up for a session with a hypnotist,
so what i hoped for is that i would forget about her completley, but that didnt happen
But i asked to be more confident and somehow i felt a lot more confident when i was out on sun night i had a little more courage to approach great,
he also told me to read the book called, you guessed it The Game by Neil Strouss soooo baisically thats why im here for a little help,

My confidence is at an all time low since i split with the ex, and its worse as she passes my house most days, i do want her back but i pesterd her too much now she has pushed me away

I want to get back out there find someone again, someone to love and cherish a really good looker that adores me, lol dont we all

So as a begginer to all this what are the first steps i should be taking?

As i see it at the moment i think i have the following problems,

1. lack of confidence to approach

2. opening lines, how to approach,

3. what to say? what to talk about? how to seem intresting and funny?

4. should i enrol in a boot camp or workshop?

5. in other words how can i get up from my seat in the pub or where ever i am, approach the lovley looking lady that took my eve when i walked in, be able to approach confidently, keep a conversation going and close with her number

any help will be greatly appreceated

kind regards

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