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AJay AJay is offline
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Default 27-04-2011, 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Knave View Post
If you're used to getting the word 'No' a lot PU should be a walk in the park for you.
Although there are alot of technqiues and concepts that can be braught over from sales to pua, i think that when working a commision only sales job its alot easier emotionally to deal with rejection as you need to sell in order to survive, you dont need to pickup woman to survive, therefore there is more motivation to over come rejection for the means of survival than there is to over come objections for replication. The survival instict is alot stronger than replication instinct. Plus this would be an awesum place to recruit sales people!


"Those who push themselves, and are willing to face pain, exhaustion, hu¬
miliation, rejection, or worse, are the ones who become champions."
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