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Inbetween3r Inbetween3r is offline
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Default My journey - let it BEGIN!!! - 10-03-2011, 01:23 PM

I hope this is okay but Id like to have a journal sort of thing going on the forum and this seemed the best place to put it. I think it'll be good to post experiences and see what others have to say about them.

So my first report is gonna be about last night. Ive been making an effort to go out more even though Im not entirley comfortable with myself. This was just a typical night out with my mates buti did attempt a few things I ve read up on.

Ok then. At the bar there were two hot girls, when me and my mate walked up they glanced our way, I took action and just started talking to them (which Id normally avoid so Im proud of that lol). They were friendly enough, I commented on her cool socks and showed her mine (probably quite random if you were on looking), so I was chatting to her mostly as she seemed more interested. Then her mate, obviously feeling left out, started forcing herself into the conversation (first thing that came to my dirty mind was 'THREESOME'). I was feeling confident and good about the interaction and it was all very natural. Now, I have no reason why but all of a sudden I just got up, told them Ill see them later and went back to my mates. WTF. I couldnt even go up and talk to them again, and all my mates thought Id been blown out which put a damper on my state.

After this, on our way to another bar my mate started to talking to a group of girls, and ended up with my arm around one of them (just sort of happened when we were introduced), she was cute we were flriting a little - then her mate dropped this bombshell - 'lets be honest you havent got a chance with her' . Ive got a very sort temper, so called her a 'fat hanging cunt who should go kill herself', I know thats really horrible but I was embarrased and it was just spur of the moment. As you can imagine that killed the mood and I did appologise almost instantly but they wernt having none of it, then we went our seperate ways (surprisingly).

Went to another pub after this, which had a dance floor and was playing some jukebox classics so after a few drinks just got up and had some fun on there. My confidence was low at this point (pretty much shot tbh) so I didnt even attempt to speak to any girls. Luckily having fun seemed to attract a few girls our way and one actually started copying my dance moves so had a dance off with her, flirted and kissed, thought I was in but when I tried to escalate she pulled away and went to get a drink. I called it a night then as I had a 9 o'clock lecture today.

Pros: I tried things out, had a bit of success (more than usual), enjoyed myself for the most part and feeling good about the potential of carry on with this.
Cons: Gotta control my temper/need to handle rejection a lot better, lost my state pretty quick, felt self consious for the most part (losing weight will help with this).

Thanks for reading, please post any tips/advise on what I did right/wrong and ways to develope.
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