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Default Flakey PUA's - Read if you're a Noob! - 31-01-2011, 07:52 PM

Get lot's of e-mail requests from Noobs asking you to met up and go sarging? Fed up of having numerous amounts of telephone numbers in your phone of people that you met up with once (or in some cases never). Fed up of Flakey PUAs? Well this is the post for you. Regulars and Noobs.

For the Noobs

First thing you need to ask yourself is 'How much do you want to reach the peak of social awesomeness?' If your response is anything less than shitting your pants with excitement at the thought of honing a skill set like that, then I have to tell you... then I'm not interested in meeting you. Please do not e-mail me or ask for my telephone number if you have no intention of following it through.

Look, I don't want to come across all cultish or even hardcore, but i'm sick of people saying 'Yeah mate! I'll definitely call you!' then never do. Put it this way...

I have more PUA's flake out on me than I do girl's I get numbers off! I mean HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT!

All the regular guys on this forum are all good guys that you can learn from. Especially if you go out with them! They aren't weird. They aren't mini Mistery's. They're normal people that have lives to lead. You should respect them enough to not wasting their time. If you DO WANT to be social and learn, then by all means, e-mail me, text me, come out with me and let's have a laugh pushing each other to become better at PU.

Second point. If you are going to come out. Make sure you have your party hat on! No... that doesn't mean wearing a johny with a flaccid... it's means be prepared to have a laugh! Join in! Don't sit in to corner being scared! Push yourself and get stuck in. On the flip side... don't be a Billy Big Nuts twat that thinks they know it all.... that's not the sort of person I want to hang out with.

Also, don't be a One-Night stand. If you're committed to become a PUA then get out as much as you can. There's no excuse; Having no money, too far to travel, work commitments DO NOT count as excuses. I run own business, go out and spend nothing (if I have to) and moved to live in the centre of town (but near will do) to become more social. If you really want this, you won't constant put obstacles in your path.

The guys here can teach you A LOT. Get committed. Get in touch. Get onboard and wreck the place!

Nuff said.

For the Regulars

Have loads of weird nicknamed people in your phonebook? Yeah me too! Well... guess what I did! I deleted them all! Anyone that I know and like on this forum, I have in my phone with their normal name. Delete the rest (including mine if I'm in as Monkey Buster! )

Also, if you get out with these Noobs and you don't get on with them or they're spoiling your mood, politely ditch them. Furthermore, I've met guys that have been a right twats... so I just got up and walked out. If I don't like you... you won't see me for dust! I'm sure you guys don't put up with shit from people also.

And another thing... there are some I've noticed some 'seasoned' PUA's are bullshiters and procrastinators; People that can talk a lot of game but don't seem to take a lot of action are a good example. Stay away from the 'talkers' – you'll be sitting round all night talk about how to socially construct an amazing night. Fuck that! GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!! I'd rather hang round with people that have have no game but are a good laugh because (from what I've seen) girls (and people) are attracted to fun. Not a bunch of guys talking round a table, looking about the place for the next victim to stalk. It's good to talk... but save it for the forum or the morning after... not your night out.

I hope this doesn't come across as an angry post. But more of a cattle prod in the right direction. I think this community is awesome. It's changed my life for the better (hats off to Jaz and Twisted for that one!). But stop bullshitting me... and even more, stop bullshitting yourself. If you REALLY want this, you'll move heaven and earth to get it.

So, let me ask you a question...

How much do you want to reach the peak of social awesomeness?
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