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Default 22-11-2010, 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by Phenom View Post
I tried talking to some Taiwanese lasses once. Went over said 'Hello' they were nice and tried to talk but their English was horrific. They didnt seem to understand much of what I said, they just nodded and laughed and said 'Yes' to everything, after a couple minutes I lost interest and fucked them off. Looking back It was me who let the language become a barrier.

When I was in Japan though I went to the beach one day and I remember seeing these two American GI's take their pick of the lasses over there just through sheer confidence/dominance. They walked over said 'Hey Girls' didnt give a fuck if they spoke English or not, took them by the hand and said 'Lets go get some drinks' some went with them, some didn't. I get your situations kinda different, but the whole dominance/confidence thing worked the best with foreigners from what I saw that day.

No one wants to be on the sex offenders register Phil
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