Thread: Newbie
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Shard Shard is offline
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Default Newbie - 18-09-2010, 09:27 PM

Hi all,

I'm 32 years old and live between Bournemouth and London (relatively new to both). I read Mystery Method about a year ago and slowly my eyes have been opened to its genius - and the camaraderie of the community.

I have been a typical AFC for years, and -this is tough to admit - I've been hung up on the same girl for a few years. She drove me crazy, and from what I've now learned I can see objectively just how much of a chump I was.
Still hurts occasionally, but I think that's probably my ego hurting.

I could make excuses as to why I've been so slow to get properly into the game, but every journey begins with the first step. This is it. I am now ready to make a life-change and commit, instead of waiting for it to happen.

My previous experience is limited (i.e. close to zero), which, I suppose, leaves plenty of room for improvement.

In terms of various aspects of the game: I'm good at rapport. In my work I have to be talkative and to build rapport with people who are sometimes under stress. This probably helps and hinders at the same time: I've noticed that when I chat to girls I tend to try to build rapport before trying to spark attraction. I can even hear myself doing it but can't seem to stop!

My calibration and kino-escalation skills are negligble. Need to get out into the field.

I'm not after numerous one-nighters, but I want choice. Choice of the most beautiful women, classy women.

So if anyone in Bournemouth or London would like to join up please message me

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