Thread: Hey
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Maximo Maximo is offline
Junior Member
Default Hey - 04-07-2010, 04:18 PM


PUA Experience: First discovered a couple of american PUA sites a few years ago when I was having some girlfriend trouble and got some valuable advice there. I later read "The Game" and subsequently devoured anything I could get my hands on- "Mystery Method", "David DeAngelo", "Richard la Ruina", "Rules of the game", various news groups and forums ect ect. Currently working my way through the "Blueprint decoded" By tyler durden whose material I had previous avoided due to pretty nagative press in the game. I have to say that so far, Its pretty impressive.

Im alot more interested in Natural/Inner game as opposed to canned material as I think that alot of the more outlandish lines and peacock theory doesnt go over quite as well here in the UK.

Im here just to try and become a better person and help myself and others to improve their game.

good to meet you all
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