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tebbs tebbs is offline
Default 22-06-2010, 05:04 PM

All the girls I know who are in happy loving relationships with guys, the girls dont care if their partners at fat,thin,tall,short,rich,poor, drives a bus or whatever. They like the guy for what HE IS and can me make them laugh and is he good fun... they couldnt give a fuck what the other girls think, or what they can show off to their friends, through money or status.

Every girl I met on dating sites, are either very emotionally messed up for whatever reason, or soley shopping around for a 6 guys to date at once in order to show off to the girls that are in the happy loving relationships, who couldnt give a fuck anyways...

On a separate note, I was cabin crew for over 10 years, In the 10 years I flew I must of gone to Vegas, say 50 times, out of the 50 times I went to Vegas, Id say 10 of the trips was a "manic nutty trip with lots of booze and partying (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas),

all the flight attendents dropped their knickers for the millionaires that we took out in Upper Class, who invited them to private high stake private rooms.

And I can promise you, the same girls who I flew with for 10 years would all claim to all the other flight attendants on the next trip to say NY, that they where happy in relationships..

And before you say " you genralising" im not... that based over 10 years and at least 50 trips to Vegas, no matter what type of girl or in whatever type of relationship, they all would drop their pants for the thrill and power of millionaires and money
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