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EdHyde EdHyde is offline
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Default 19-02-2010, 01:36 AM

Originally Posted by Exception View Post
Hey mate,

I'm just down the road in Orpington not sure if there are any PUA's in my area (no one i know has even heard of it!) I would say lucky me, but i havent even began to develope my game poperly yet and my AA keeps kickin my ass, I only discovered th PUA community three weeks ago but just want to get out there sarging and getting experience in, for good or bad it would just be good to act for a change instead of hiding behind a pint or five and watching women leave with other guys
Hey Exception,

Orpington - indeed close mate. Regarding PUAs in your area I suggested in the Suggestions Forum about having a google maps of PUAs locations - would be real handy to really appreaciate where everyone's at - that and best places to go for day/night game etc (see the post for more info).

Man we're in the same boat - I only just discovered MM/RSD/PUA etc about a month ago - have been learning loads but have yet to execute much. In fact I did have a go at a valentines singles night... went to Bar Rumba up London and spoke to tonnes of girls - even had a Wingman who did me proud - he loved my opener of 'Hey lady you should be impressed... this is an iPhone don't you know!' - that conversation required a little refinement but I had a laugh with the girl for about an hour - problem was that I was a tad drunk and although had a great time and laugh just made more of a fool of myself (damn that special vodka/water mix I make - trashes me!). All good fun though! I'm hoping that developing game/confidence/whatever it may be will help me not rely on drink and I'll just be able to chill and be comfortable in hot women's company without turning into a performing monkey.

Haha - AA man - know exactly what you mean. I also managed to do a little bit of day game a week or so back - chatted to a stunning solicitor (married) and an American girl working in travel while going to and from a seminar - real boost to my day... but yesterday... I dodged making the effort. It's all in the mind man!

If sarging is what you're after I think see my post reply to Juice - two nights on 20th and 26th of this month - you can find the details in the Find a Wingman Forum - London related posts contain them.

Mentioning 20th and 26th I think I'm going to have to make a real effort to get to one or both of these events - all talk and no play... think I'd best get my act together.

... typical though as I've just met three girls that I quite like (like busses never just one comes along hey). Have date tomorrow with one that grabbed my number within 10mins of chatting to me. Will see what happens...

Whether it's 20th, 26th or another day we'll have to meet up man - is great to see how many guys are up for helping one another and improving/developing game - this site is great!
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