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EdHyde EdHyde is offline
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Default 18-02-2010, 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by Juice View Post
I just joined today and you can see my intro post in the introductions section. I am actually living in Woking right now and looking for fellow guys looking to improve PUA skills.

A good line I read in the game: hands of the merchandise buddy. A girl I know working in a coffee shop gave me a little touch on the shoulder as we were talking / joking around and she LOVED that, it's great to see these lines already coming into fruition.

Are you in a group who go out sarging?
Hey Juice,


Like the merchandise line man - will put it in my memory bank and give it a try!

Couple of groups who are planning an outing very soon so check the Find a Wingman section of the site - I'm trying to see if I can be free for the night but it's not looking 100% - still working on it (nights are 20th and 26th I think).

Looking forward to sarging - I've been listening/watching tonnes of the MM & RSD stuff and am very keen to put some of it into practice. Have some single mates who don't really bother trying to pull - just drink with no technique and take the pi$$ out of eachother (DLVs gallore!) - they wouldn't really understand this PUA stuff so sarging with people who understand, want to progress and work together will be great!

Look forward to meeting up in the future man! Keep up the good work!
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